Yes i guess duty cycle would be a good name for it.
It's basically how much of the time between two clocks the gate signal is high/on.
I calculate a running average of the time between incoming clock pulses and then depending on the potentiometer posistion set a gate time (duty cycle) of 10 - 80% of the clock time.
It would be really cool to have variable gatetime pr. step, but that would require 8 extra potentiometers and to do that i would need a multiplexer like CD4051 hooked up to the Arduino, but i am already using all the available pins on the Aduino. But it's not impossible.
Another thing that would be cool was to have the gatetime under CV control, but again no more available I/O pins on the little Arduino Pro Micro i'm using.
Well that's where my second seq8 comes into play together the the 4comp. my patch has 8 possible note values with 8 possible gate times per step all independent from each other. Another possible usage of the 4comp I did not foresee when I built the module. Modular is magic.
Not the most melodic sequence but as you can see the filmed seq8 is defining the gate length show in the METER screen of each note being played whereas the other seq8 set the pitch of each step.
How do you patch this? The gate signal is generated via a triggered envelope with a 0 attack and its Delay set by the cv raw of the SEQ8. this envelope has its signal sent into a comparator on the 4COMP with has its reference signal set to 0, thus causing the comparator to send out a gate signal as long as the voltage sent out by the triggered envelope is higher than 0. The generated gate signal is patched into a second ENV which controls the VCA of the voltage thus having notes with different lengths.